UX & I
I guess it's my OS
I believe everybody has an Operating System. A set of tools and capabilities, a unique mindset to interact with the world and to face reality.
My operating system is logic-driven and has a strong visual side to it,
mixed with cautious optimism and a drive to fix or improve what I can.
I decided to study visual communications, focusing on animation and motion graphics. I loved animation and drawing and I always felt an urge to visually translate my thoughts. I searched for logic in everything and when the logic wasn’t found, I targeted the problems, analyzed them, and found the best suitable solution.
After college, I started focusing on interactive design and UX\UI design. I found that I love creating digital products and being a part of the entire life-cycle of that creation: from the first brief and team brain-storm, through researching, prototyping, designing, even animating the smallest UI motion to make that interaction a bit more precise.
I believe being a DIGITAL UX designer is taking responsibility for designing the most suitable user experience. From the very first touchpoint and on-going through the relationship you build with your users.
I think user experience happens all the time, not only in the digital world.
In the grand scheme, we all practice REAL UX design, even if we're not aware of it.
When we design our family vacation experience. We will probably research and plan our trip, choose the most suitable hotel, choose the places we want to see, and avoid attractions and sites that will not fill our needs.
When we design a hosting experience for our friends and family, we will probably research for recipes, design the table, make sure they have what they need, and we would definitely hunt for feedback.
I can even see UX design in parenting. Being responsible for designing the childhood experience for my two favorite users.
Too philosophical?
But when I look at it that way, I have a daily opportunity to practice
the most valuable skill a Product designer should have -
getting used to fail and keep trying again.